The Kindle edition of Rosaria of Venice, Book One of The Renaissance of Rosaria Adalberto, is on sale for the holidays! In the year 1491, during a steam-powered Renaissance, Rosaria Adalberto seeks a theory of electromagnetism—but finds conspiracy and intrigue instead. The Kindle ebook will sell for 99¢ on Christmas Day only, and $1.99 every day …
Category: Rosaria of Venice
Monday Links: Xbox One, Propaganda at the British Library, and Racism at Harvard
I have found two articles of note from The Economist this week, one of which is sure to be close to gamers’ hearts. Or perhaps not: the article notes that Microsoft’s Xbox One announcement heavily de-emphasizes games, ostensibly due to falling console sales. Time will tell whether the device will garner any appeal for its …

Schedule Mishaps, and Kickstarter Things
As I have been busy getting the Rosaria of Venice Kickstarter campaign ready to go, I did not manage to get yesterday’s post up. I do apologize. In order to keep this from happening (as there are no signs of me getting less busy in the coming weeks), I will be scaling down my posts for …
Steampunk: A Modern Throwback to Classic Science Fiction
As I again delve into the various genres of fiction with which my current writing intersects, I discover surprising gaps in my knowledge—and more books for my reading list. This is hardly a bad thing. Writers are fed by writing, and not always their own. Indeed, one would hope that much of it is not …
Runicfire Recap: April 25 – May 6
I’ve been crunching for finals the past few weeks, and have slipped on my Google+ and Facebook announcements. My apologies. I have, however, been continuing to pump out content here on Runicfire, and I’d like to catch up any readers who follow me on Facebook or Google+ on what they might have missed. Recap begins …
This Week on Runicfire: May 6th — May 12th
Monday’s links discuss the definition of time, the difficulty in measuring the human mind, the launch of SpaceShipTwo, and Northern Ireland’s new schism. On Wednesday I delve into the history of science fiction, in the first of a series of posts on the genre and its sub-categories. On Friday I delve deeper into the subject with a look …
Rosaria of Venice — Choosing a Cover, and the May 24th Kickstarter
I’ll be Kickstarting Rosaria of Venice, the alternate history steampunk Renaissance novel I wrote and am now revising, this month on May 25. The proceeds are to pay for cover illustrations (front and inside) as well as editing and proofreading. While I won’t be commissioning the final works until the Kickstarter campaign finishes, I have …
Friday Fiction – Excerpt from Rosaria of Venice
This weekend, I will be shooting part of the Kickstarter video for my novel, Rosaria of Venice. With that on my mind, I thought I would share an excerpt from the opening with you today. You may read it here. As I am still revising the novel, I’m very interested in hearing feedback anyone might …
The Renaissance Man Versus the Industrial Machine
In my continuing research for my novel, Rosaria of Venice, and its sequels, I came across an interesting book. It is titled, simply and appropriately, The Italian Renaissance, and is authored by J.H. Plumb. So far, it is at once the most concise and comprehensive resource I have found on the time period. I find …
The Renaissance: Real and Reimagined
This is the first part of a series in which I discuss a portion of the research behind Rosaria of Venice, my forthcoming alternate-history novel, and other matters related to that research. If you like what you read, please keep an eye out for new updates, and tell your friends! There was a time, centuries …